Wednesday, May 11, 2005

What ‘We’men want……

This is not the title of Mel Gibson’s next film and if he makes one with this name, remember you saw it here first.

I don’t know if it was a distaff’s work, but it shows their saturnine nature when they say “Men just want one thing”, Or when they say “Men are from mars, and women are just down to earth” (Tell them no man has ever been to mars).

Men want many things. Some men want this, some want that, and some of them want both this and that. Jokes apart,(PJ’s in) there are many more this and that’s we want. Here are some expectations/desires/(Things we want you to understand)

1. Flirting is not impious, god made you dainty, he made us so that we could appreciate your pulchritude. I hate it when they say “Tumhari maa behen nahin hai kya”( Don’t you have a mother and sisters), my answer would be “ Hai par girlfriend ki jarorat hai”( I have but I need a girlfriend J ).So let us ogle, it is genetic.

2. We love cars/computers just as you love lipsticks, nail polish…and what not and that doesn’t make us geeky.

3. Don’t categorize us when we fall for bimbettes , didn’t you know light travels faster than sound.

4. If your dad is smart and your brother is handsome, we aren’t Charlie.(Talking of Charlie Chaplin, another womaniser I would say, last married a woman less than One-third his age at 54,* Gosh how do these guys manage*, *Just cant stop the quizzer in me sometimes..*). Please stop juxtaposing us. So if we can’t ‘cut’ like Beckham, Blame the barber.

5. When your hubby/beau talks another woman, it doesn’t mean he is discussing sex, so please give us that modicum of tolerance.

6. Please respect (read love) genius and give us the credit, we have made life comfortable; save this specie from extinction.

7. If there are six days for days for soap operas, let there be a Sunday for cricket.

8. Men don’t cry doesn’t mean that men are not emotional.

9.Men do have orgasms, so what if yours is flavor of supplements and magazines these days.( Ok no more of this else they will categorize mine as an adult blog, but ain’t I an adult, so it is after all an adult’s blog )

10. Tenth is the ‘one’ thing you always say we wanted.

I believe men will always be Men, so even after saying all that, I would say,

“If there’s a way to man’s heart through his stomach, believe me there’s a shortcut through his ears and eyes”

So a bit of Cajolery and a nice smile and you would have us drooling all over you.

Ok, Please don’t call me a chauvinist after reading this, I am a feminist at heart and my next post will prove that to you.

P.S: Please see the quiz section in my sidebar.
And as I see it, I find no takers for the ‘Shout it section’, probably people just want to keep their views to their blogs , so I am closing that section. Any suggestions regarding a new section are invited.

P.P.S: A new addition to the biography section.” Oracle of Omaha” as they call him, Warren Buffett.

11 Voices:

a_beautifulmind said...

Imagine for your 1st desire if she replies “Mera BF to hai, Par bhai nahin hai…(I have a BF, but no brother) ” ;-)

anubhav said...


i wud rather give my brother's mobile number :P..

a_beautifulmind said...

Very smart :-D

Nikhil said...


Abbey,What about bitches???:)).. I mean what do you want from them...

exams over you see so can't stop myself;)...

This caught my attention in the post..

When your hubby/beau talks another woman, it doesn’t mean he is discussing sex, so please give us that modi'cum' of tolerance...

Nice one man...

anubhav said...

@ beautiful mind: thanx

@ Nikhil: I knew somebody would catch that thing in post...but didnt expect from U ...but i must say it was unintended...
luck for the placements...

niki: i know u like cars/...


TheSpark said...

hi anubhav! i know it sounds kinda silly, but i noticed only just now tht u hv blogrolled me. :)
thk u very much. i too am comin up with one pretty soon.

Elixir said...


anubhav said...

@ spark : no probs...

@ elixir : Now what should i interpret of that...did it hurt..:D

Kroopa Shah (Kr00pz) said...

LOL, this is one good post!!

Zishaan Hayath said...

Right. So I am waiting for your next post :)

anubhav said...

@ kroopa : thanx..

how were ur exams...

@ zishan : broadband woes man ....will be back in few days...
thanx for comin...